Thursday, September 15, 2011

Domo ♥ and also recently Me.

New toys :D Bought from S&J. 

Bring her go movieee :) Wohoooo 

Well, i know i have long time didnt update my bloggie. It's because my MacBook had been stolen by someone with no brainnn!!!  All my assignments are inside. and its just bought no longer than 3 months!!!! So we have to rush n rushhh n rushhhh for the final assignments. >RUBBISH!!! Waste Our Time!! Waste Our Money!! Bxtch YOU!! Semester 4 passed. Errrr, semester5 is internship. So I'm now busy for finding the job :( NO company want use me!! they said they no need intern student.  How sad me :(( 

Please hire me larhhhh :(


Wasting my time. Did I learn anything? I dunno. Already Semester 5, I still like learn NOTHING.